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Council receives £68k National Lottery Heritage funding to support plans for a transformed Museum

The council’s plans to create an exciting new Museum and Heritage Service for Watford received a significant boost this week, with an award of £68k from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

This funding, made possible by National Lottery players, will support the council develop its plans to relocate Watford Museum to Watford Town Hall, creating a new home to tell the town’s story, bringing together local history from over the centuries. The re-visioned space will also include a dedicated Museum shop and a café.

As the plans take shape, there will be opportunities for Watford residents to have their say on the objects and displays they would like to see in the Museum, whether it is the history of Watford FC, famous Watfordians or the history of local communities and businesses, reflecting Watford’s past, present and future.

Relocating Watford Museum is part of the wider Town Hall Quarter programme, which is transforming the area around the Grade II listed building as well as opening it up to the community and a range of new uses. With some spectacular heritage rooms, the Town Hall will make a striking location for the re-imagined Watford Museum.

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